Pipeliners Local 798
Preparing and providing pipeliners wherever they are needed

About Pipeliners Local 798

Pipeliners Local 798 is a unique United Association Union, as they represent those working in the pipeline industry. Their members come together to weld the oil and gas pipelines throughout the U.S.
While the members of Local 798 are entirely pipeline workers, the skills they possess and tasks they carry out vary. Local 798 is made up of nearly 3,400 skilled welders, 650 journeymen Spacers who lineup pipe and carry out hydrostatic testing of pipelines and 4,200 helpers who assist welders.
The members of Pipeliners Local 798 are highly trained and highly skilled professionals in the field of pipelining. Like the rest of the Local Unions within the SWPTA, The contractors affiliated with Local 798 are dedicated to training new members of the trade on the job and in the training center.
Pipeliners Local 798 members are provided high quality benefits for themselves and their families. As these dedicated tradesmen and tradeswomen have worked on projects in 49 states and in multiple countries, they rest assured knowing they have great benefits.
Pipeliners Local 798 Jurisdiction
Pipeliners Local 798 is a complex Local Union in that they do not just represent tradesmen and tradeswomen in a focused geographic location, they work throughout the nation. Pipeliners Local 798 has jurisdiction throughout the country and can send a high quality workforce wherever pipeliners are needed.Interested in joining the pipeline welding professionals near you?

UA 798 Contact Information
- Danny Hendrix, Business Manager
- 4823 S. 83rd E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145
- Phone 918.622.1900
- Fax 918.627.9327
- local798.org
- information@local798.org